Welcome to DFWpolicesalaries!

Discover Comprehensive Police Salary Information

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This website is to help officers compare salaries and other benefits between Dallas/Fort Worth (DFW) Texas police departments.  Pay is only one element to consider when looking at police departments.  Benefit's can have a large range from department to department.  As always, you should talk to officers at whichever department you are looking at and try to do a ride-out.   

Many police departments do not publish their salary and benefit information where it can be found easily or they don't publish it at all. 

If you work at a department listed and the information is incorrect or outdated, please use the form to send me the correct information.  If you work at a department that is not listed yet, send me the information and I will add it. 

Please follow the DFW police salaries Facebook page!

Note - This website is best suited for a large screen on a computer due to the large pay table. 

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