Texas Peace Officer License

A black , white and blue flag with a star on it is waving in the wind.


The Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE)

is the state agency that grants peace officer, county jailer,

and public security officer licenses in the State of Texas.

The seal of the texas commission on law enforcement


The Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) is the state agency that grants peace officer, county jailer, and public security officer licenses in the State of Texas.

The seal of the texas commission on law enforcement


The Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE)

is the state agency that grants peace officer, county jailer, and public security officer licenses in the State of Texas.

The seal of the texas commission on law enforcement

Civilian (non-licensed)

There are 4 requirements to become a Texas peace officer:

  1. Meet the minimum standards

   2.  Successful completion of the basic licensing course

   3.  Passing of the state licensing examination

   4.  Appointment by a law enforcement agency

Out of State Officers

In order to become licensed as a peace officer in Texas, you must:

  1. Meet the minimum standards

   2.  Approval of the initial eligibility form

   3.  Successful completion of the Texas Supplemental Peace           Officer course (1018)

   4.  Successful completion of the TCOLE Rules Overview                   (1305)

   5.  Approval of the exam application, and receive                                 endorsement from TCOLE

   6.  Passing of the state licensing examination; and

   7.  Appointment by a law enforcement agency within two                 years from the date of your passed examination

Civilian (non-licensed)

There are 4 requirements to become a Texas peace officer:

1. Meet the minimum standards

2.  Successful completion of the basic licensing course

3.  Passing of the state licensing examination

4.  Appointment by a law enforcement agency

Out of State Officers

In order to become licensed as a peace officer in Texas, you must:

1. Meet the minimum standards

2.  Approval of the initial eligibility form

3.  Successful completion of the Texas Supplemental Peace Officer course (1018)

4.  Successful completion of the TCOLE Rules Overview (1305)

5.  Approval of the exam application, and receive endorsement from TCOLE

6. Passing of the state license examination; and

7.  Appointment by a law enforcement agency within two years from the date of your passed examination

Civilian (non-licensed)

There are 4 requirements to become a Texas peace officer:

  1. Meet the minimum standards

   2.  Successful completion of the basic                      licensing course

   3.  Passing of the state licensing                               examination

   4.  Appointment by a law enforcement                      agency

Out of State Officers

In order to become licensed as a peace officer in Texas, you must:

  1. Meet the minimum standards

   2.  Approval of the initial eligibility form

   3.  Successful completion of the Texas                  Supplemental Peace Officer course                  (1018)

   4.  Successful completion of the TCOLE                  Rules Overview (1305)

   5.  Approval of the exam application, and                receive endorsement from TCOLE

   6.  Passing of the state licensing                              examination; and

   7.  Appointment by a law enforcement                    agency within two years from the date            of your passed examination

Learn more at the TCOLE website: http://www.tcole.texas.gov/content/path-licensure

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